quinta-feira, outubro 25

Poet of the month - October 2012

Pablo Neruda (1904 - 1973)
Pablo Neruda
"The books that help you most are those which make you think that most. The hardest way of learning is that of easy reading; but a great book that comes from a great thinker is a ship of thought, deep freighted with truth and beauty."

Poem: Always by Pablo Neruda
I am not jealous
of what came before me.

Come with a man 
on your shoulders,
come with a hundred men in your hair,
come with a thousand men between your breasts and your feet,
come like a river
full of drowned men
which flows down to the wild sea,
to the eternal surf, to Time!

Bring them all
to where I am waiting for you;
we shall always be alone,
we shall always be you and I
alone on earth
to start our life!

quarta-feira, outubro 24

Countries - 5th year

1...2...3....Click and revise your vocabulary.
I hope you enjoy doing it!

Clica AQUI!!!

English speaking countries - some flags - 5th year

Power-Point Presentation presenting some English Speaking Countries and its flags. It includes the following countries: Scotland, England, Northern Ireland, UK, Ireland, Wales, USA, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and South Africa.

This PowerPoint is good to explain how the flag of the UK is formed (it has a slide which explains the union of the flags) and at the end of the presentation I included a world map showing the most spoken languages of the world and the corresponding countries. 
With this the students can become aware of the importance of English in the world.

Clica AQUI!!!

segunda-feira, outubro 22


Aqui fica a ajuda...
Agora deixo que a vossa imaginação faça o resto...
Lembrem-se que é necessária muita originalidade e só pode ser feito com material reciclado.
bom trabalho...

sábado, outubro 20

Colours - 5th year

Learn / Revise the colours with the following activities :
1) Learn the vocabulary,
2) Match the words with the pictures,
3) Match the pictures with the sounds,
4) Do a crossword,
5) Listen to a song !
Clica AQUI!!!

terça-feira, outubro 16

Portfolio cover - 5th year

Here you have a cover that you can use for the English Portfolio. 
Colour it as you like...

116 Kb

in: http://teacherslove.blogs.sapo.pt/

Prontos para um Novo Ano Letivo?!
Bom estudo e boa sorte a todos....
:) hugs and kisses from Your teacher: Cristina Monteiro :)

segunda-feira, outubro 15

I'm Back

Prontos para um Novo Ano Letivo?!
Bom estudo e boa sorte a todos....
:) hugs and kisses from Your teacher: Cristina Monteiro :)