quinta-feira, janeiro 18

Infinitive / Gerund (explicação + avançada)

O infinitivo é a forma original do verbo tal qual se encontra num dicionário.
Pode aparecer na frase com ou sem o “to”.

O gerúndio é o verbo com a terminação –ing.

O infinitivo com “to” é de uso mais amplo aparecendo após a grande maioria dos verbos, adjetivos, advérbios, nomes, pronomes, etc:

I expect to be there.
This car is hard to park.
She knows where to find the keys.

Também pode indicar propósito, finalidade:

They went there to buy something = They went there in order to buy something.

Usa-se o infinitivo sem o “to”:

1. após: modal verbs (can, could, must, etc.)
2. após: os auxiliares do-does-did-will-would
3. após: had better, would rather, rather than
4. após: as preposições but e except: exemplo: She did nothing but complain.
5. após: os verbos make e let: exemplo: You make me feel brand new.

O gerúndio é usado como substantivo nas funções de sujeito, objeto indireto ou objeto indireto (após preposição use sempre o gerúndio):
1. Swimming is his favourite sport.
2. He likes swimming.

É usado também após os verbos go e come indicando atividade física, e na expressão go shopping:

We’re going riding this afternoon.
When are you going shopping? As soon as we get our salary.

Usa-se SEMPRE o gerúndio após os verbos abaixo:

Admit - Understand
Avoid - Excuse
Appreciate - Finish
Consider -  Keep
Delay - Mention
Fancy - Mind
Deny - Miss
Detest -   Practice
Dislike  - Resist
Enjoy -  Risk
Escape -  Quit

Da mesma forma com os verbos de percepção:

Feel - See
Observe -  Notice
Hear - Watch

Atente para o uso das seguintes expressões abaixo.
Algumas vêm acompanhadas de infinitivo (com ou sem o “to”), outras de gerúndio:

1. Had better (’d better): é melhor, seria melhor - sem o “to” (expressa conselho)

You’d better tell me the truth.
Had she better try again?
You’d better not leave late.

2. Would rather (’d rather): preferir

We’d rather stay home.
Would you rather watch tv?
I’d rather not see her now.

3. Used to: costumava; indica ação habitual no passado:

I used to love you.
Did he use to play tennis as a child?
They didn’t use to go to the movies.

4. Be used to/Be accustomed to/ get used to: estar acostumado a – são sempre seguidas de gerúndio porque o “to”, no caso, é preposição:
We’re used to getting up late.

5. Can’t help: não poder deixar de – sempre seguida de gerúndio:

I can’t help falling in love.

6. To be worth/worthwhile: valer a pena

It was worth listening to him.

quarta-feira, janeiro 17

Forming Gerund - breve explicação em INGLÊS + exercícios

Forming Gerunds
Here is a brief review of gerunds and how to form them.
Gerunds are nouns formed from verbs.
ex: walking, talking, thinking, listening
Gerunds are formed by adding ING to verbs.
ex: think + ing = thinking

Spelling Rules

There are a few spelling rules that you need to know in order to form gerunds correctly. The spelling of a gerund depends on the vowels (a, e, i, o, u) and consonants (b, c, d, f, etc.) at the end of the verb.


If there is more than one consonant, just add INGthink + ing = thinking
If there is more than one vowel, just add INGbeat + ing = beating
If there is one vowel and one consonant, and the syllable is stressed, double the consonant and add INGhit + t + ing = hitting
If there are one or more consonants and E, remove the E and add INGtake + ing = taking
In most other cases, just add INGstudy + ing = studying
see + ing = seeing
Exercises HERE (Exercícios AQUI)

terça-feira, janeiro 16

Likes and Dislikes (GERUND)

Likes and Dislikes

Verb "to like"

Pay attention!

1. We add -s or -es in the 3rd person singular.
E.g. He likes / He doesn't like.

2. In the interrogative form we use the auxilary verb "to be" E.g. Do you like oranges? / Does he like cakes?
3. In the negative form we use the auxilary verb "to do" and the negative "not".
The verbs "likes and dislikes" can by followed by a noun.

E.g. I like apples.

They can also be followed by a verb.
For example:

When like/dislike are followed by a verb you need to add the -ing ending to the verbs.

sábado, janeiro 13

Present Continuous - some online activities

Present Continuous Activities

online cloze exercise: at the airport
Here are a few activities for you to practice the present continuous. This one here is a fill-in-the-gap exercise. Use the present simple or the present continuous.Click here to begin.


3 exercises Present Continuous3 exercises to learn Present Continuous Level: elementary

PRESENT CONTINUOUSStudents complete the sentences with the PRESENT CONTINUOUS. Hope it`s useful! Level: intermediate
Author:Rosario Pacheco

The present continuous TenseThese exercises will help to practice the Present Continuous Tense. Level: elementary

Avril Lavigne´s Things I´ll Never SayA popular song for a short listening exercise on present continuous Level: elementary
Present ContinuousThis exercise will help the student to practice the present continuous. It include some exercises with (verbs+ing). Level: elementary
Author:Elizabeth Ruiz

Review -ing form some exercises to review or check if your pupils have acquire the present continuous and the -ing formation Level: elementary