segunda-feira, janeiro 21

Pets - game


Have got + Pets (5th year)

Learn about the verbs HAVE GOT (British English) and HAVE (American English) with this interactive book !
An interesting interactive book to learn the family and pets vocabulary.
Thanks a lot, Mrs Haquet.

sábado, janeiro 19

A ajuda do costume...

aqui fica a ajudinha do costume!

O teste de writing (composição) terá como tema, um dos seguintes:

5th year:
1- My presentation;
2- My favourite singer/pop group/ school subject
3- My school

6th year:
- My class 
- My School
- Daily Routine
- My job /part-time job
- Housework
- My saturday/sunday/ week day

Bom estudo!

sexta-feira, janeiro 18

my school - 5th year

My school


I am a student at Saint Bruno’s School – in Caxias-
(Dona Simoa Godinho Street).

It is a small and new school with over 600 students
and 80 teachers.

I am in year 5 in class C. In our classroom we are 29

Students – fourteen boys and fifteen girls.

It is a state school and we only use uniform in the

Choir club and in our PE lessons.

My favourite place in school is the  canteen,

because I like to eat.

My favourite subjects are PE and History and my favourite

Teachers are MR. Alexandre Lima e Mrs. Luisa

See you!

My day

I usually Wake up at seven o’clock, then I get up and have breakfast. I always Brush my teeth and have a shower. I frequently make my bed before I go to school.

At eight o’clock I go to school, with my mother, by car.

I have classes from half past eight to half past one.

After I have lunch in the school canteen with my friends.

At two o’clock I have tennis lessons, then I go home and do my homeworks.

I often tidy my bedroom after having a brunch and then I put the rubbish out.

From a quarter to five until six o’clock I watch TV and surf the net.

Before dinner I lay the table and I help my mother with the cooking.

I have dinner at eight o’clock and later I help with the washing up.

I brush my teeth and I go to bed at a quarter to ten. I never sleep before eleven o’clock.


sábado, janeiro 12

happy birthday to Charles Perrault

Once Upon a Time with Charles Perrault

"As soon as he entered the wood all those great trees, and the interlaced brambles and thorns, separated to let him pass. He walked towards the castle, which he could see at the end of a great avenue. He was surprised that none of his companions had been able to follow him, since the trees had closed in again as soon as he had passed. But he did not falter. A young prince in love is always brave."

Sleeping Beauty.
Puss in Boots.
 Little Red Riding Hood.
These enduring stories were created as we know them by a brilliant man who lived in 17th-century France. Although similar, but simpler stories were gathered more directly by the folklorists Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm in the 19th century, it was Charles Perrault's addition of delicate and amusing words, crafted to entrance a noble audience, that caught fire with readers' imaginations and were the basis for the way these stories are remembered today. It is easy to see the difference between a story collected by Grimm and a tale sculpted by Perrault. A Grimm tale is simple and direct and sometimes alarming while Perrault's are laced with details that still fire modern imaginations.
A Classical Beginning
So, who was the man who gave Cinderella her pumpkin coach and Sleeping Beauty her cursed spindle? Charles Perrault was one of many Parisians born into a bourgeoisie (middle class) family. His father, Pierre Perrault, was a parliamentary lawyer who desired that his sons get an education to prepare them for taking their place in his world. Scholarly education in the 17th century was far, far stricter than what is found in modern classrooms and very different in what was learned. For one thing, students were expected to read, write, and speak Latin at extremely young ages. The classic books (coming from Greece and Rome's ancient periods) were a large part of the curriculum. But Charles did not mind. On the contrary, in his autobiography, he remembered, "My father took the trouble to make me repeat my lessons every evening after supper, and made me tell him in Latin the substance of these lessons. This method is very good for broadening the minds of those who study and making them enter into the thinking of the authors whom they learn by heart."
The Complete Fairy Tales of Charles PerraultEven so, Charles took it upon himself to drop out of school when he thought the teachers were being unfair to him and continued to study the classics on his own for several years. Though ultimately trained to the legal profession, it was his ability to write verse that caught the attention of Louis XIV's Minister of Finance, Jean-Baptiste Colbert. Colbert held many other offices and was very much interested in promoting French culture through the arts. Perrault's literary gifts earned him a place in the prestigious Academie Francaise with Colbert as his patron. Besides writing philosophical and political pieces, Charles Perrault would ultimately become most famous as part of a literary fairy tale movement (Les Contes des Fées) that entranced French nobility in the 17th century. His stories were retold with a purpose. Each ended with a moral....sometimes two!

Quick Facts on Charles Perrault
  • Born January 12, 1628 to Pierre Perrault, a parliamentary lawyer, and Paquette Leclerc in Paris
  • 1636/1637: began studies at the College of Beauvais, a private secondary school in the Rue Saint-Jean-de-Beauvais
  • 1643/1644: left school with his companion, Beaurain to pursue study independently for three or four years.
  • July 27, 1651: granted degree in law from the University of Orléans
  • November 23, 1671: elected to L'Académie française (the French Academy)
  • 1672: named Controller General of Buildings, Gardens, Arts and Manufactories of France, a title created for him by Colbert and which he was not required to purchase. Elected Chancellor L'Académie française, an administrative charge.
  • August 21, 1673: Louis XIV donated 660 books to found the Academy's Library, and Charles Perrault was named Librarian
  • 1683: his patron, Colbert, dies
  • January 27, 1687: His poem, "The Age of Louis the Great" was read aloud at the French Academy. Perrault argued that modern advances in arts and sciences outshone those of the classic masters which prompted a huge debate dubbed "The Quarrel of the Ancients and the Moderns." Some say this was a seed of the upcoming Age of Enlightenment.
  • 1691: Poem, "The Marquise of Salusses or the Patience of Griselidis," set down by Perrault, inspired by the famous Italian poet, Boccaccio.
  • 1693: "The Ridiculous Wishes," his verse tale, was published in the literary journal, Le Mecure Galant.
  • 1694: "Peau d'Âne (Donkey Skin) set down by Perrault-- the first verse tale not based on a classical or known literary source, but upon what was considered folk tradition
  • 1695: "Collection of Tales in Verse," containing the three previously published tales; Earliest known manuscript of the Histories of Tales of Past Times, with Morals, dedicated to the King's niece, and containing five new prose tales.
  • 1696: earliest publication of "Sleeping Beauty" in Mecure Galant
  • January, 1697: publication of Histories or Tales of Past Times, with Morals, with the complete text of eight tales
  • 1699: translated Gabriele Faerno's Fables
  • May 15, 1702: Charles Perrault died in his home.
Perrault's amusingly retold stories became known as Mother Goose Tales for the sub-title he gave the collection. He first published the collection under his son's name, possibly for political reasons as Charles Perrault was out of favor with a powerful faction at the time.

You can check out his stories--and their adaptations-- from the library or read them online:

sexta-feira, janeiro 11

Housework - online exercise

(exercício de matching)

(clica na imagem e em: "start the activity" para praticares!)

this, that, these, those (a/an - singular/plural) review

this, these, that, those (5th year)

This, that, these e those são palavras usadas no inglês de maneira similar à que usamos o grupo de palavras isso, aquele, essas, aquelas, etc –
ou seja, quando queremos demonstrar ou especificar algo/alguém com relação à distância no espaço ou tempo.

This e these referem-se a algo ou alguém próximo no espaço ou no tempo.
This is corresponde a ‘isso é’ ou ‘esse(a)/este(a) é’.this ruler
This is a ruler. [Isso é uma régua.]
This is an orange ruler. [Essa é uma régua laranja.]
These are é a forma plural de ‘this is’:these pencils
These are pencils. [Esses são lápis.]
These are yellow pencils. [Esses são lápis amarelos.]

That e those referem-se a algo ou alguém distante no espaço ou no tempo.
(Veja como a mão está longe dos objetos!)
That is é usado, quase sempre, como ‘aquilo/aquela/aquele é’.that wallet
That is a wallet. [Aquilo é uma carteira.]
That is a brown wallet. [Aquela é uma carteira marrom.]
Those are é a forma plural de ‘that is’: those books
Those are books. [Aqueles são livros.]
Those are blue books. [Aqueles são livros azuis.]

This e that também são usados de várias outras maneiras: por exemplo, antes de substantivos, como no português.
This ruler is orange. [Essa régua é laranja.]
That wallet is brown. [Aquela carteira é marrom.]
These pencils are yellow. [Esses lápis são amarelos.]
Those books are blue. [Aqueles livros são azuis.]
DemonstrativeRegras de uso Equivalente em Português
ThisUsa-se em substantivos no singular. O substantivo deve estar perto da pessoa que fala. Este, esta, isto.
TheseUsa-se em substantivos no plural. O substantivo deve estar perto da pessoa que fala.Estes, estas.
ThatThat - Usa-se em substantivos no singular. O substantivo deve estar longe da pessoa que fala. Esse , essa , aquele, aquela, isso , aquilo.
ThoseUsa-se em substantivos no plural . O substantivo deve estar longe da pessoa que fala.Esses, essas,
aqueles, aquelas.

terça-feira, janeiro 8

My typical day... writing exercise - 6th year

Write about your typical Saturday:

I get up at half past seven then I have breakfast. I brush my teeth and I have a quick shower.

I catch the bus to school at eight o’clock. I have classes from half past eight to half past one.

After I have lunch in the school canteen.

I get home at three o’clock, make my bed and tidy my bedroom. I water the plants and clean the dust. After I do my homework and have a brunch. Until six o’clock I surf the net. I help my mother in the Kitchen – I set the table. We have dinner at eight o’clock, then I clear the table, sweep the kitchen and take the rubbish out.

I brush my teeth and go to bed at  nine o’clock.

terça-feira, janeiro 1

Poet of the month - January 2013

Matthew Arnold (1822 - 1888)
Matthew Arnold

Although remembered now for his elegantly argued critical essays, Matthew Arnold (1822-1888) began his career as a poet, winning early recognition as a student at the Rugby School where his father, Thomas Arnold, had earned national acclaim as a strict and innovative headmaster. Arnold also studied at Balliol College, Oxford University. In 1844, after completing his undergraduate degree at Oxford, he returned to Rugby as a teacher of classics. After marrying in 1851, Arnold began work as a gove..

"Culture is properly described as the love of perfection; it is a study of perfection."

Poet of the month - January

Langston Hughes (1902 - 1967)
Langston Hughes

"Like a welcome summer rain, humor may suddenly cleanse and cool the earth, the air and you."

Em 2013...
